does gandhigiri work??

Recently we celebrated gandhi jayanti and every news channel and newspaper had a special coverage of the gandhian principles and ideologies followed by a note saying how his ideas and methods seem to have been lost as times progressed and gandhi jayanti has become just another reason to plan a weekend. Very very few people (read no one) today i feel lives by his methods and ideas. Have we forgotten him and his ideas or are his principles simply too demanding?
I personally feel living life by the gandhian philosophy requires too much of patience. Almost everyone wants to pace things up and do stuff as quickly as possible, no one is patient enough to wait for a long time to get results. Gandhi asks people to go on doing good deeds without bothering about results, but don’t we all get frustrated when results don’t show? Sure some time or the other we might reap the benefits, but is the wait worth it? Lage raho munnabhai aesthetically showed how gandhigiri can be applied to everyday routines, but again they gave out the message that even though it might work, it requires a lot of patience. I remember when people started sending flowers instead of using violent means to protest against the delhi demolitions. But nothing happened, so after 2 days it was back to violence. People do get frustrated when nothing happens. Same with pink chuddy campaign against pramod muthalaik. Did it actually work?? Did he actually stopped following his so called “Indian tradition”? even gandhiji had to wait about 30 years to gain independence. Could it have been if a couple more like bhagat singh would have come along that the independence would have come earlier? We can never say.
Gandhiji’s principles today are just not realistic. I don’t think people bother much unless we show them that we can do damage if you don’t listen. Can we imagine going to each terrorist and preaching non violence? Will it work?? And if they resort to violence, should we sit back and go about doing gandhigiri?? Will that work? Sometimes its important to follow tit for tat principles to have your way. And frankly speaking if we can get the same results much more quickly following other methods, why shouldn’t we adopt them? Why should we wait so long to get something done?
Its not that i have a lack of respect of gandhiji or what he has done for the nation. i sincerely respect that. and neither do i deny that his ideas work. All i am saying is that i don’t think anyone is patient and selfless enough to follow his principles today.
Opinions welcome.


hawk | October 8, 2009 at 2:05 AM


eva | October 13, 2009 at 7:40 AM

yeah i agree.. life is pacing up.. we shud follow our own principles

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